Healing Wings

ROCKHARBOR logoThis week I got to blog a sermon recap for my church, RockHarbor Fullerton. We’re currently doing a series through the entire Bible, and this week we landed in Malachi. Here’s a snippet of my post! Click the link at the end to read the whole thing.

One of my favorite worship songs is called “Healer.” You don’t hear it much these days, but a couple years ago it was big. It was written by a guy named Michael Guglielmucci from Australia. He sang the song on a live Hillsong album, standing on stage with breathing tubes and a guitar, claiming to be suffering from cancer while proclaiming God’s sovereignty over disease as a mighty Healer. It was one of the most inspiring videos I’d ever seen.

Months later it was revealed that Guglielmucci’s cancer was a cover-up to mask an addiction to pornography. The revelation rocked my world. What of this beautiful song now? It was all a lie.

But the Healer of the physical is the same Healer of the spiritual. A Healer who knows no bounds. A Healer of crippling disease and a Healer of addicting sin…

You can catch the rest of my post here. Are you desperate for healing right now? How can I pray for you?

MLYaksh 16 February 2012
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Healing… I can’t begin to explain how much this has been on my mind and heart the last few years… God is Healer of all things but His healing looks different for all. I think about John 9- a blind man was healed by having spit and dirt rubbed in his eyes. Jesus could have just spoken healing! Why this way?

For me to fully tell all the ways I seek healing, we need to have some one on one conversations first. For now, I will say I’m seeking healing from both an emotional and a physical brokenness. Thank you for your prayers. Praying for you, my brother.