The Return of Wandering Wednesday: DuPont Forest

IT’S BACK. After what feels like years away, the tradition of Wandering Wednesday returns.

A chance for me to dip back into the blissful well of #RunningTo and, well, go wandering again.

In this week’s wandering, I trek to DuPont State Forest in western North Carolina and explore the waterfalls running rampant there. I also check out another feature DuPont is known for, though you’ll have to watch to find out more about that.

I also take this opportunity to talk about my new life in Charlotte and how the transition is going after nearly three months removed from the road. Spoiler: it’s been hard.

Enjoy the waterfalls and enjoy the updates, and hopefully I’ll be wandering on another occasion soon enough!

Ever been to DuPont State Forest? What’s the last waterfall you saw?


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