
For the next two weeks, I’m embarking on a body cleanse. I’ll be taking fiber supplements along with liver and digestive supplements every morning. And every night. I’ll finally be scrubbing out my insides after thirty years.

I’ll probably be pooping a lot.

But don’t worry. This post goes beyond my bowel movements. That part is over now. Breathe easy.

I figured if I’m cleansing my liver and intestines for the next two weeks, why not cleanse the other facets of my being as well?

Why not my daily routines and attention? Why not my time on social media and laptop and phone?

Why not also my soul and spirit with my body?

Ending any year with a cleanse is important to me. Where November reminds me of past heartache and struggle, December rings special to me — for 30 years running.

A month steeped in Christmas traditions and yearly pilgrimages back to my homeland of eastern Pennsylvania. My family and me — returning like penguins from whence we came.

Remembering who we are.

Remembering where we came from.

I can’t believe 2017 is in its last legs. A year of quitting my job and Running To renewed. I’m sure I’ll be looking back more on this year in the weeks ahead.

But first.

Before I can look back on 2017.

Before I can look forward to 2018 — to future trips and books and —

I need to live presently in 2017. What’s left of it. Cleansing it like one last coating of paint before the lights turn off and I close the door forever.

I need to cleanse my bedroom. My desk especially, swarmed with books and papers. I may or may not be creating my own personal YouTube studio there in the new year. Gotta look presentable for the people.

I need to cleanse my phone and Web habits. Spending far too much attention on screens and not on face-to-face faces and face-to-mountain mountains. I like the idea of turning off my phone every time the sun sets.

I need to cleanse my soul. Finding life in regular routines of prayer and Scripture and journaling and worship.

I need to cleanse my spirit. Letting go of stress and doubt and worry. Not holding onto these things like bowling balls in my gut.

I need to cleanse.

Inside out.

Every day.


Not just this December.


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